His real name is David Canóvas Martínez.
He is currently 21 years old.
His birthday is April 24, 1997.
He was born in Alhama de Murcia, in Murcia, Spain.
He currently lives with his friends Agustín51, Ampeterby7 and Vicens.
Resides in the country of Andorra.
Currently has only one sponsor:
It has two cats and two dogs.
He created his YouTube channel on 01/30/2012, but his first video was uploaded on 02/02/2012.
He has a sister named Lidia.
His real name is David Canóvas Martínez.
He is currently 21 years old.
His birthday is April 24, 1997.
He was born in Alhama de Murcia, in Murcia, Spain.
He currently lives with his friends Agustín51, Ampeterby7 and Vicens.
Resides in the country of Andorra.
Currently has only one sponsor:
It has two cats and two dogs.
He created his YouTube channel on 01/30/2012, but his first video was uploaded on 02/02/2012.
He has a sister named Lidia.
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